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In the spring you will need to wait a few weeks for the grass to break down prior to planting. Most of the grass is applied in the fall after the harvest. I till in bushels of it , and it makes wonderful "sheet" compost

I tahnks again guy ... that stuff is so helful!!!

I have a very large lawn and a vacant pasture which I mow with my ride-on /bagger attachment. I bag the grass clippings in the spring and fall and dump them on the garden . Then I till them in with my rototiller . Till well.

In the spring you will need to wait a few weeks for the grass to break down prior to planting. Most of the grass is applied in the fall after the harvest. I till in bushels of it , and it makes wonderful "sheet" compost.

There is no way I would use chemicals on my lawn.

Thank you for this article. My grandmother suggested I use grass clippings as mulch but I was concerned about the high levels of nitrogen that it contained. This article saved me and my garden from a stupid idea.

What a helpful piece, this answered all of my questions completely, and now I know what I can do with my grass clippings that I was, before now, planning on using as mulch. Thanks a bunch SG!!

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